Caption: Gianmarco Bresadola
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Julian Sartorius - composition, drum manipulations Ensemble This | Ensemble That (from left to right): Miguel Ángel García Martín - drums Victor Barcelo - dr...
Improvised transition between pieces during the show Illusion&Wirklichkeit with ensemble für Alte Musik L ’Art du Bois
HYPER DUO (Julien Mégroz & Gilles Grimaitre)with Miguel Angel García Martínplay Rerendered (2003-4)bySimon Steen-Andersen (1976* DK)Recorded at L'Usine Sonor...
Improvised transition between pieces during the show Illusion&Wirklichkeit with ensemble für Alte Musik L ’Art du Bois
Impossible translations is a series of works in which I try to establish a relationship between music and the outside world by means of a rather arbitrary translation from a non musical input (usually videos and images) into a playable instrumental score.
Ensemble Lemniscate playsEric Wubbels - Tautology and Translation
Live excerpt from "Vertigo Years" by Fachbetrieb Rita Grechen. Premiered during Spiel Art Theaterdestival 2019. The death in a ballet tutu from the "General der Infanterie" Dietrich von Hülsen-Haeseler and Le Sacre du printemps are some of the elements present in the scene. www.miguelangelgarciamartin.com About "Vertigo Years": Eine halbe Millionen demonstrieren in London für das Frauenwahlrecht.
Ondrej Adámek (*1979) Alles klappt : for 6 voices and 2 percussionists (2018) Therese Wincent, Kathrin Zukoswki, Landy Andriamboavonjy, sopranos Steve Zheng, tenor Domnik Kraemer, Tobias Müller-Kopp, baritones Jeanne Larouturou, Miguel Ángel García Martín, percussion Composer information: https://ondrejadamek.com/ Publisher information: https://www.babelscores.com/ondrejadamek This video has a purpose of promotion, not for profit.

Hannes Seidl - Early Reflections with ET|ET at Mousonturm Frankfurt
Music: Steve Reich Video: José Javier Navarro Lucas Vibraphone: Miguel Angel García Martín (Video realisation of this minimal music piece)
Waveshaping (2014) Quartett für 4 Perkussionisten, Lautsprecher und Elektronik Programmtext: Waveshaping ist eine Zwischenform aus Musik- und Bewegungsperformance. Lose Lautsprecher werden für die Percussionisten zu Instrumenten. Ihre Trommeln dienen dabei als Resonanzkörper und färben je nach Auftragungsort der Schallwellen, den Lautsprecherklang mit ihrem eigenen Timbre.
Overture from musictheater "Schöne Welt" at Origen Festival Cultural 2019 || thanks Franck Bourgoin